How We Help.

Differentiation is the key to success in a crowded market.

Too many marketing programs are formulaic and ineffectual. At Zirinsky Strategy we believe marketing should be results driven, with solutions that solve challenges, achieve goals, and drive growth.

We start with an audit of the broader organizational structure, the strategic plan, goals, and objectives, target audience, and market expansion plans.

We then do an assessment of the strength of the brand, of the client’s position in the market, the current marketing programs in play, and pieces that may be missing.

Once complete, we develop a customized Marketing RoadMap, aligned to organizational strategy and business goals, which outlines the specific initiatives, campaigns, and activities that must be executed to achieve the identified objectives.

Together with the client we prioritize the Marketing RoadMap efforts, and define the resources – time, budgets, staffing – needed to execute the plan.

We provide the oversight to make the implementation seamless. And schedule Marketing RoadMap revisits.

Our solutions are purposeful, built on branding, thought leadership, and intentional marketing.

What is Intentional Marketing?

Intentional Marketing harnesses the power of authenticity, strategy, and data-driven programs to facilitate growth. We understand the unique challenges faced in a competitive landscape by professional services firms in law, accounting, financial services, and management consulting. Our approach focuses on aligning a brand’s actions, programs, and messaging with clear and meaningful purpose. By doing so, we help to create a deeper emotional bond between you and your clients, ultimately leading to advocacy, increased brand loyalty, referrals, and business expansion.

Brand Development, Positioning, and Messaging.

  • Strong brands must have both emotional and rational dimensions. A brand’s emotional essence – its values, purpose, and authenticity – is the image conjured when someone sees your logo or hears your name. This, the soul of your brand, evokes that emotional bond. But your brand must also have rational brand positioning – the specific benefits and differentiating features that set your brand apart and promise value. Through brand development exercises and interviews, we help clients articulate their emotional connecting points, codify the rational brand positioning, and develop branded messaging. We help clients discover the soul of their brand - and bring it to life across all media and client touchpoints.

Marketing RoadMaps and Implementation.

  • Is it aligned with broader organizational strategy, goals, and objectives? Your strategic plan – including business growth targets, market expansion plans, target audience, and competitive positioning – provides the context; your forward-looking Marketing RoadMap outlines specific initiatives, campaigns, and activities that must be executed to achieve the identified objectives. We help clients define plans, prioritize efforts, and utilize resources – time, budgets, and staffing – effectively. We manage internal staff and manage external vendors providing the project oversight to make the implementation seamless.

Thought Leadership and Content Management.

  • Do your presentations, speeches, and bylined articles inspire respect in people and organizations throughout your industry? Has your content marketing established expertise, and is it being broadcast to the intended targets? Your content marketing must serve as the foundation for thought leadership efforts in order for them to impact, influence, and shape industry or business practices. We help clients develop content marketing and thought leadership strategies. Distinctly different, both are valuable components of lead generating initiatives.

Marketing, Communications, and Business Development.

  • Marketing creates awareness, generates interest, and drives demand for products or services. Communications conveys information, manages the company's reputation, and ensures consistency in messaging. Business development aims to drive revenue growth, enter new markets, and strengthen the company's position within the industry. It involves activities such as prospecting potential clients, lead generation, networking, negotiating deals, and strategic planning for market expansion. To be effective, collaboration and engagement between all three teams is essential. We bring a fresh, outside perspective to the client’s organization, identify gaps, and suggest innovative solutions.

Marketing Technology Assessment and Strategy.

  • Data and technology are driving decisions in ways previously thought unimaginable. Staying ahead of the marketing technology curve has never been more difficult. Those slow to invest in and adopt technologies will lag behind. We help clients assess their resources, know what is important to them and the things they need for decision making, define their short- and long-term needs, and evaluate available options.  Just as we do with our Marketing RoadMaps, we provide project management success oversight to make the implementation seamless and the technology invaluable across the organization.

Team Architecture, Development, and Training.

  • Strategic marketing is not a haphazard endeavor; it is a science that requires the right people executing the right tasks at the right time to achieve success. Through our marketing audits and assessments, we help clients identify their optimal team architecture, one built on collaboration against a shared plan. Through development and training, we help each member understand their role, meet deadlines, and see how their efforts contribute to the overall marketing objective. And when change is needed, we help clients realize that change, empowering the team to drive the needed results.